Safe in His Arms Read online
Page 4
“Trust me, honey, if you want to be locked in the vault, you won’t be in there alone.” This time he laughed as she sputtered a non-verbal reply. “Let’s start up on level three. We’ll split the units up and work our way down, together.”
One hour and four units later, Mike was ready to snarl. Good God, the woman stored everything here! So far they’d found several cases of high quality wine that he’d barely resisted opening, an equal number of boxes containing Alice’s collection of penguins, and, much to his delight and her mortification, Jenna’s complete collection of private school uniforms right down to the short green and blue plaid pleated skirts and green knee socks. He held up one of the skirts from her high school years and visually compared it to her still slim figure. “I’ll bet you drove the boys crazy in high school. Want to model it for me?”
She made to grab it out of his hands, but he held it above her head. As he swung the skirt up and away from her, an old piece of tape fell from the hem of the skirt. Mike turned the skirt inside out and noticed the hem had been taped up. “Why you little vixen, you did drive the boys crazy!”
Jenna covered her face with her hands, but not before he saw her blush. Her shoulders started shaking and when she lifted her head, he was glad to see she was laughing. “Oh, you have no idea. We had all sorts of tricks for teasing the boys. We had strict rules and regulations for our uniforms, but there were always ways to, uh, let’s just say ‘enhance’ the uniforms to our advantage!”
Mike leaned down to drop a quick kiss on her lips, but before he could pull away, she placed her hands around his neck and took control. When they finally came up for air, he said, “God, you could be wearing a burlap sack and you’d still drive me crazy. You always have been and always will be the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Jenna’s smiled slipped a little and she tried to back away. “We still have a lot to do. Let’s go to the second level and -”
Mike tightened his arms around her. “Jenna, I promise you, when this is resolved, we’re going to talk. I need to tell you some things, but for now, you need to know I’m not going anywhere. Not ever again.”
Jenna sighed, “Mike, don’t make promises or pretend this is anything more than two friends catching up. I know your life is in Los Angeles, not St. Helena. I know you hate small-town life and, yeah, I know you’re attracted to me. Hell, I’m attracted to you. But, that doesn’t mean we need to act on it. I’m not looking for a hook up.”
Mike felt the blood rush to his head and he tried to keep his voice calm, “You think I just want to sleep with you? Maybe a quick hop in the sack for old-time’s sake?” She pushed out of his arms and he immediately regretted his verbal explosion. “Damn, Jenna, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.”
She blew out a breath and shook her head. “Never mind. Let’s just keep searching.”
Chapter 6
They weren’t even halfway through the only unit on the second floor, when Susanna knocked on the open door. She peeked in and asked, “How’s it going?”
Jenna looked up from what could have been the thirteenth or thirtieth box of Alice’s old case files and wiped her hand across her forehead. She and Mike had brokered a silent and uncomfortable truce when they realized they would need to search the unit together, so she welcomed the interruption.
“Slow. I had no idea Alice kept her files here. Or, that she had so many.”
“Alice always said it was the ideal place to store them. With a security system that was cross between Fort Knox and the Pentagon, and the temperature controlled climate, her files are safe and well-preserved.” Susanna had been working here for more than five years and was clearly missing Alice. “I wanted to let you know I stocked the Vault with food and water for you. I’m sure you’ll want to take a break for dinner soon. And, of course you have full access to any of your aunt’s wines. I’m heading out now and will lock up the front. When you’re ready to leave, exit through the front door. I’ve already set the alarms, so you’ll need to use your key card to exit. Here’s my cell number in case you need anything.” She handed Jenna a business card.
After Susanna left, they worked for another hour when Mike’s stomach let out a long, low growl. Jenna burst out laughing and just like that, the tension dissipated between them. “Come on, grouchy. Let’s see what Susanna left us for dinner.”
Mike stuck his tongue out at her use of his old nickname. “Should we finish this unit first? We can probably get through the remaining boxes in about an hour.”
“Ah, no. I remember why we called you grouchy when you got hungry. I’d rather you eat and tame the beast growling in your stomach than have to sit here for another hour listening to you gurgle.”
“I don’t gurgle!”
“Grouch!” She stood up and laughing at him, walked to the door. “Last one in the Vault has to clean the dishes,” she called over her shoulder as she ran down the hallway to the stairs.
Jenna reached the Vault first and hid behind the door waiting for Mike. He hadn’t bothered to rush, so it took him a few minutes to walk downstairs and get to the Vault. As he walked inside, she jumped out from behind the door and shouted, “BOO!”
He must have been expecting her because when she jumped out, he grabbed her and swung her up in a giant bear hug. Her foot knocked the door as she flew into his arms, but she didn’t pay any attention once his lips came down on hers. She was clinging to him like the ivy clinging to the stones on the side of the building. She wrapped her legs around his waist and felt his growing appreciation for their situation. She pulled back to look at him. She didn’t want to break the spell. She didn’t want to hear him say they needed to talk. She just wanted him to hold her tight a little longer. He started to open his mouth, but she leaned in to kiss away whatever he was going to say. He must have agreed now was not the time to talk.
The Vault had two wine appreciation areas - the large round table towards the front of the room, and the more relaxed, cozy seating area near the back. Still carrying her, Mike strolled to the back and settled on the sofa. She may have started it, but now he was in complete control of the kiss. His hands tilted her head and he deepened the kiss. She felt his hand slide down her shoulder and over her arm, before coming to a stop just under her breast. He smoothed his thumb over her taught nipple and when she moaned her approval, he brushed against her again, this time a little harder.
“Mike,” she whispered against his lips.
“Shh, I’m hungry.” He once again devoured her mouth with his, while his hands roamed lower on her body. She felt her sweater being pulled up and before she could get chilled, he placed his warm hands on her. He slowly stroked the smooth skin just below her breasts. She tried to angle herself to show him where she wanted to be touched, but he wouldn’t be rushed. “We’re not in any hurry. Let me show you how I feel.”
She heard the warning bells going off in her head, but they sounded so far away. This was much better than talking. She couldn’t quite remember why she shouldn’t let him show her how he felt. Still clinging to him, she felt the hard ridge of his arousal pressed against the seam of her pants. Yes, she should definitely let him show her how he felt, she decided. In fact, she would show him how she felt as well. She rose up and down, riding him, feeling him grow harder. Her body was on fire and she needed the quenching release only he could provide.
“Not yet,” he growled.
In one smooth motion, he lifted her sweater and bra over her head, then gently laid her down on the sofa. When he didn’t follow her down, she panicked and opened her eyes.
“Please, don’t stop.” God, was that her voice begging?
“Not unless you ask me to. But, please, don’t ask.”
Instead of answering, she reached up and starting at the top, unbuttoned his shirt. She pressed a kiss against his chest for each button she released until his shirt was completely open and she had a clear view of his hard, lean chest and abs. She licked her lips in anticipation and slid her hands to
the snap of his jeans. With a flick of her thumb, she had the button undone, but instead of unzipping his pants, she slipped her hand inside and stroked him from tip to base and back up again. She looked up and watched his eyes roll back in pleasure. She started to stroke him again, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand from his pants.
“Not yet.”
“You’re no fun,” she pouted and tried to dive back into his pants, but he grabbed both her wrists in one hand and lifted her arms above her head.
“Challenge accepted.”
“What challen - ohhh.” Now it was his turn to explore. Faster than she was, he’d popped the button and unzipped her pants in a heartbeat. Using his one free hand, he tried to push her jeans down. When that didn’t work, he lightly pressed her hands into the arm of the sofa and gave her a silent command to stay where she was. She nodded and lifted her hips as he drew her jeans and panties down together. She watched him stand and toss her jeans to the side, then remove his jeans and, ah, so he was still a boxer guy. He grabbed his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans and withdrew a condom. Oh, thankfully someone was clear headed, she thought.
With a pointed look at her hands, he kneeled on the sofa and spread her legs wide, hooking one heel over the back of the sofa and one over his shoulder. Turning his head to the side, he gently nipped her inner thigh before soothing the slight sting with a long caress of his tongue. He placed several more love bites along her leg as he worked his way closer to her center. She was straining against the invisible hold on her arms and wanted to pull him into to her, but she held back, enjoying his attentions.
“Now, Mike,” she begged again.
“Shh, baby, I’ve got you,” he murmured against her and the vibrations almost sent her flying. He gently blew a warm puff of air, causing her to shake ever so slightly. She was so close; she knew it wouldn’t take much for him to send her over. Her entire body was strung tight with want and need. She jumped when he slipped his tongue along her center, teasing her by flicking lightly over her core. Not quite enough to send her over, just enough to keep her climbing. One stroke up, one stroke down. Again and again, until she was at the peak and about to step off the edge into oblivion.
She clenched her hands and pointed her toes, pushing herself into his tongue, willing him to take her fully. When he finally closed his lips around her and sucked her into his mouth, she screamed with the joy of it all. He held her open with his thumbs and licked her, slowly bringing her down while he lapped up all she gave.
There was nothing more beautiful than a well sated Jenna, he thought. God, he could make love to her every day for the rest of his life and still not get enough. It was time to make her his. He’d almost waited too long, but now he knew where he belonged. Right here, with her. Forever. He just needed to convince her he was ready for forever - with her.
Mike kissed his way up her toned stomach and tickled her ribs with his stubble before flicking his tongue over her nipple. It hardened to a tight peak and he sucked one, then the other, bringing her closer to the edge again. She’d always had sensitive breasts and he looked forward to spending more time becoming reacquainted with them, but he didn’t have that much patience right now. With a final kiss on each tip, he reached up and gently massaged her arms before wrapping them around his neck. He needed, wanted to feel her hold him as he entered her.
“Mike, please,” she moaned.
“Now, baby. Hang on to me, Jenna.” He drove into her hard and deep. He held himself still, letting her adjust. Letting him adjust to being with her again. He took a moment to just revel in the experience of being in her arms again. Where he belonged. Where he was home. He opened his eyes, not realizing he’d closed them and found her staring at him in wonder.
“I’m here. I’ve got you.” He leaned down and kissed her. He poured all the feelings he couldn’t yet tell her into the kiss. Lifting his head, he slowly moved out of her, until he was just barely in her. She lifted up and took him in, asking for more and giving all she had. They moved together in an age-old graceful dance. She tightened her hold on him and arched her back, taking him deeper, until she hit her peak again. He reached down and stroked her, keeping her orgasm going as she moaned his name over and over. When she started to float back down, he picked up his pace and pushed her over again as he joined her.
They lay entwined for a few more minutes. Each trying to regulate their heartbeat and breathing. Mike leaned down and kissed her, long and hard. “I’ll be right back.”
She waved a hand towards the back of the Vault and in a soft, languid voice said, “There’s a restroom over there somewhere.”
She was dozing when he came back and tugged on his jeans, but woke up when he covered her with his shirt. His stomach let out a long, angry growl that broke the tension and had them both laughing. He grasped her hands to lift her up and said, “Come on, let’s see what Susanna left us. I’m hungry!”
She slipped into his shirt and buttoned the lower buttons, leaving the upper part of the shirt showing a tantalizing strip of bare skin between her breasts. She rolled up the sleeves and padded over to the counter along the back wall. She bent over and he groaned at the delectable sight.
Laughing, she turned around and said, “Food first, then we’ll see about feeding your other appetite.”
“We’ll need to head home for dessert. I only had one condom with me.”
Jenna stopped what she was doing and slowly turned around. He followed her gaze to the door of the Vault. He hadn’t remembered shutting it, but it was closed and - uh oh.
“Jenna, why is the door panel red?”
“No, no, no. Oh, no!” Jenna rushed to the door and tried to pull it open, but it was locked. She turned around in a circle, scanning the area for something. “Do you have the key card?”
“No, I left it with the membership kit. It’s … upstairs in the unit we were searching. Is there another way out?” Mike walked over to the door and tried to pull it open as well, but there was no budging it.
“Crap! I must have kicked it closed when I hid behind it. Once the facility is armed, this door can only be opened with a key card. It’s an added measure of security for a few of the members. In this room alone there is close to $1 million worth of wine. We’re stuck here until morning. I left everything upstairs. My purse with my cell phone, the key card, everything.” She slumped down on the chair in defeat.
“Okay, let’s get something to eat while we think about this. I worked up quite an appetite,” he said with a wink. “I’ll grab the food and you find us a bottle of your aunt’s wine. Looks like she found a way to get us back together after all.”
Jenna looked at him like he’d grown two heads. “What are you talking about?”
Mike ran a hand down his face, mentally kicking himself for saying anything. “Nope, food first. I can’t be held responsible for my actions until I eat.”
Suspicion clouded her eyes, but she got up and walked over to a wall of wine racks. “White or red?”
Mike glanced at the overflowing meat and cheese plate in the fridge and opted for a local chardonnay. He found a baguette and some fruit set aside on the counter and started preparing a plate for each of them.
“That was nice of Susanna to have this ready for us,” he managed in between bites a few minutes later. Now that dinner was almost over, his thoughts turned to dessert again. They might be stuck here all night and he was out of condoms, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t find other ways of occupying themselves. He grinned as he thought of all the ways he’d like to occupy Jenna tonight. He shot a quick glance skyward and sent a word of thanks to Alice.
Jenna must have read his mind, “So, what’s this about Alice trying to get us back together?”
Chapter 7
Jenna watched Mike mentally squirm as he tried to come up with an acceptable answer. She debated letting him stew, but he was saved by the bell - literally. The Vault phone started ringing fro
m the cabinet in the back. Mike shot her an incredulous look. “A phone? How long were you going to wait to tell me there was a phone in here?”
She shrugged as she walked over and picked up the receiver, “Hello?”
“Where the hell have you been?” Mole yelled into the phone. “I’ve been trying to reach you for hours. Don’t you ever answer your cell?”
Jenna switched the phone to speaker and said, “Well, I would if I was in the same room as my cell. We, uh, kind of got locked in the Vault and my cell phone and key card are upstairs in my aunt’s unit. What’s going on with you?”
“I traced the hackers back to Sacramento. Mike was right -”
“Mole, could you say that again?” Mike interrupted. “I just want to make sure Jenna heard you say I was right.”
“Jerk,” Mole shot back with a hint of laughter. “Wait, why are you locked in the Vault? How did you get locked in the Vault? Am I interrupting anything?” Mole snickered.
“No,” Jenna said.
“Yes,” Mike immediately shot back. Mole laughed again.
“Mole, tell us about the hackers. And, can you get us out of here?” Jenna glared at Mike.
“Hang on. I’ll release the Vault alarm so you can open the door.” There was a click and the door panel flashed green. Jenna rushed to open the door.
“Thanks, Mole. Now, what about the hackers.”
“The attacks appear to be originating from an office building in Sacramento. They were good and thought their relay system would hide their true identity, but I’m better.” There was no smugness in her voice. Mole was just stating the facts. “I don’t have enough to go to the authorities yet, because I might have used some less than legal methods to track them.”